Extra ip address configuration

servers guru

Last Update één jaar geleden

For extra IPs to work, you must configure them inside the operating system of the server you use.

To temporarily configure an IPv4 “”, you can run:

Please note that this configuration will not survive a reboot.

To configure the first IPv6 address of an IPv6 netblock 2a01:4f8:2c17:2c::/64, you should run:

How do i permanently configure an extra IP?

On Debian based distributions (Ubuntu versions before 20.04, Debian):

1. Access the server via SSH.

2. Create the configuration file and open an editor:

3. Paste the following configuration into the editor and replace your.Extra.IP with your extra IP:



4. Now you should restart your network. Caution: This will reset your network connection:

Ubuntu 20.04:

1. Access the server via SSH.

2. Create the configuration file and open an editor:

3. Paste the following configuration into the editor and replace your.Extra.IP with your extra IP:



4. Now you should restart your network. Caution: This will reset your network connection:

On RHEL based distributions (Fedora, CentOS):

1. Access the server via SSH.

2. Create the configuration file and open an editor:

3. Paste the following configuration into the editor and replace your.Extra.IP with your extra IP:



4. Now you should restart your network. Caution: This will reset your network connection:

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